1919, who we should
1919 is a season that is most
remembered for the World Series outcome, the ensuing outcry, the
investigation, and the ultimate result.
The Chicago White Sox were an
amazingly talented team who were heavily favored to beat the
Cincinnati Red in the World Series. They were also, in their eyes,
underappreciated and vastly underpaid for their status as superb
ballplayers. In short, the players deeply resented owner Charles
The baseball reserve clause caused
most of the acrimony. The reserve clause essentially locked a player
into a team for the duration of his career. He remained the property
of that team until he retired, or was transferred or traded to
another team. (I have covered the reserve clause in an earlier
Without rehashing a whole lot of
things that have been written about many times, by far better writers
than I, the upshot is that the White Sox conspired to 'throw' the
World Series.
Now, let it be known that it was not
the entire team that was involved. Enough of the starting lineup was
involved, along with two starting pitchers. One player, Fred
McMullin, was a reserve who overheard the planning, and demanded to
be included.
Third baseman Buck Weaver, while
receiving no money, was implicated for being aware of the plan, and
not notifying the ownership. Joe Jackson, who was unable to read or
write, was also involved, did take money, and then kept asking out of
the games. At the conclusion of the Series, Jackson had hit the only
home run, and led both teams in batting.
Rumors began circulating quickly about
a 'fix' being in, and by the time the Series had started, the
odds-makers were now making the Reds even-money favorites to win.
The Reds did win the Series, five
games to three (in a best of nine)
Knowing the baseball landscape at the
time, where gamblers and players were often in each others company;
where wagering during the games was quite out in the open, it is not
surprising that gamblers had that amount of access to the Sox
Enough people have read "Eight
Men Out" by Eliot Asinof. More have seen the move of the
same name, and they have a grasp on the story. But I don't think they
recognize the timeline involved.
Rumors followed the White Sox through
the 1920 season, and in September of that year, a Grand Jury was
convened to investigate the allegations. Reportedly, pitcher Eddie
Cicotte and outfielder Joe Jackson admitted to their participation in
the conspiracy. In fact, according to the book "Shoeless Joe" by David L. Fleitz (McFarland & Company, Publishers) (see the link below) there were many instances of "inconsistent fielding" that cost the Sox games during the 1920 season.
Comiskey, whose White Sox were in a
down to the wire battle against the Cleveland Indians for the
American League title, suspended the seven remaining White Sox
implicated for the final series against said Indians.
In the meantime, with concern being
for the integrity of the game, Baseball itself needed to address
these gambling issues, lest the public lose faith in the game, and it
take on an air of boxing, with the seediness of the characters that
hover around the athletes, and bring outcomes into question. To that
end, the owners in both leagues hired Judge Kennesaw Mountain Landis
to act as the head of the newly reformed National Commission. Landis
would only accept the position if he was granted absolute control and
power over every player in both the majors and the minors.
One of Landis' first acts was to
immediately place the eight players on the 'ineligible list' for the
1921 season, essentially suspending them from all organized baseball.
The trial took place in June, and the jury returned a verdict in
early August, finding the White Sox players not guilty of all
Upon the verdict, Landis immediately
handed down his own verdict:
of the verdict of juries, no player who throws a ball game, no player
who undertakes or promises to throw a ball game, no player who sits
in confidence with a bunch of crooked ballplayers and gamblers, where
the ways and means of throwing a game are discussed and does not
promptly tell his club about it, will ever play professional
The eight players were left on the
ineligible list on a permanent basis, banning them from baseball.
Those eight were: Ed Cicotte, Lefty
Williams, Joe Jackson, Happy Felsch, Buck Weaver, Swede Risberg,
Chick Gandil and Fred McMullin.
Many people have said that this was
the end of the "Dead Ball" era of baseball, where 'small
ball' was the usual style of play. Pitching, defense, speed and
strategic bunting were more commonplace than they are in today's
game. The home run had not yet captivated the nation, and the
stadiums of play were often cavernous ballparks that generated a lot
of triples. In fact, every team in both leagues hit more triples than
homers in 1919.
And the 'dead ball' era is said to
have ended in 1920, with the future of baseball being clouded by the
White Sox scandal, there was a fear that the public may not trust the
integrity of the game. Plus, the owners were looking with great
interest at what was happening in Boston, in the persona of George
Herman Ruth.
George Herman "Babe" Ruth
was a left handed pitcher for the Red Sox. And a very good one. In
fact, for the five years between 1915 and 1919, he won 87 games, and
had an ERA of 2.16. He set the record for the lowest ERA in the
American League by a left handed pitcher with a 1.75 ERA in 1916.
That record was eventually broken by Ron Guidry in 1978.
But it was his hitting that was
garnering the most attention. Over that same time, he had a .309
batting average. As I have mentioned before, a great indicator of a
stellar offensive season is the 3/4/5 rule. That translates to a .300
average, .400 on base percentage and a .500 slugging percentage. During those five years, Ruth averaged .309/.414/.571.
The Red Sox began taking advantage of
Ruth's offensive output in 1918, when they started playing him in the
field on days he wasn't pitching. In 1918 and 1919, he led the league
in home runs. He only pitched in seventeen games in 1919, starting
fifteen and winning nine. His ERA was a very respectable 2.97.
But more on the Bambino at a later
date. Let's get back to the season at hand.
1919 has always intrigued me, not just
for the scandal, but for the amount of legendary players that were a
part of that season. And in crunching the numbers, I found a bit of a
First, I decided to look at the power
numbers, which in my vernacular, is a combination of offense and
pitching compared to the league averages for each. It gives a pretty
good indication of how strong a team is.
So in each league, the top 3 were:
White Sox 1st place Reds 1st place
Indians 2nd place Giants 2nd place
Yankees 3rd place Cubs 3rd place
As you see, the power rankings stayed
true to the finish. The interesting thing is that while the White Sox
were initially heavy favorites to win the Series, the Reds actually
had a stronger power number (1.2198 vs. 1.1592) So without a fix
being in, I thing the Reds may have been a tougher challenge for the
Sox than many thought.
Okay, lets look at the National League
offensive players first. Bear in mind, there was no post season
awards during this era, so I have nothing to compare my ballots to.
Also note that Phillies outfielder Gavvy Cravath didn't have enough
at-bats to qualify for any batting titles, but did have enough good
numbers to lead the league in home runs. So, he gets an asterisk, and
I'll add an eleventh player to the top ten list. These are the
overall basic rankings:
- Heinie Groh Cincinnati 5 63 .310 21 SB
- Gavvy Cravath* Philadelphia 12 45 .341 8 SB
- Edd Roush Cincinnati 4 71 .321 20 SB
- Hi Myers Brooklyn 5 73 .307 13 SB
- Rogers Hornsby Cardinals 8 71 .318 17 SB
- George Burns NY Giants 2 46 .303 40 SB
- Benny Kauff NY Giants 10 67 .267 21 SB
- Larry Doyle NY Giants 7 52 .289 12 SB
- Ross Youngs NY Giants 2 43 .311 24 SB
- Zack Wheat Brooklyn 5 67 .297 15 SB
- Fred Luderus Philadelphia 5 49 .293 6 SB
Then looking at performance against
their team's average performance:
- Gavvy Cravath* above
- Rogers Hornsby above
- Billy Southworth Pittsburgh 4 61 .280 23 SB
- Max Flack Cubs 6 35 .394 18 SB
- Hi Myers above
- Heinie Groh above
- Fred Luderus above
- Fred Merkle Cubs 3 62 .262 20 SB
- Edd Roush above
- Milt Stock Cardinals 0 52 .307 17 SB
- Zack Wheat above
And then the total combined:
- Gavvy Cravath*
- Heinie Groh
- Rogers Hornsby
- Edd Roush
- Hi Myers
- Billy Southworth
- Max Flack
- Fred Luderus
- Zack Wheat
- George Burns
- Irish Meusel Philadelphia 5 59 .305 24 SB
And over in the American League, the
basic numbers:
- Babe Ruth Red Sox 29 113 .322 7 SB
- Bobby Veach Detroit 3 97 .355 19 SB
- Ty Cobb Detroit 1 67 .384 28 SB
- George Sisler Browns 10 83 .352 28 SB
- Shoeless Joe Jackson White Sox 7 96 .351 9 SB
- Eddie Collins White Sox 4 80 .319 33 SB
- Harry Heilmann Detroit 8 92 .320 7 SB
- Tris Speaker Cleveland 2 63 .296 19 SB
- Ray Chapman Cleveland 3 53 .300 18 SB
- Buck Weaver White Sox 3 75 .296 22 SB
And then against their teams:
- Babe Ruth above
- George Sisler above
- George Burns Athletics 8 57 .296 15 SB
- Bobby Veach above
- Tillie Walker Athletics 10 64 .292 8 SB
- Sam Rice Washington 3 71 .321 26 SB
- Baby Doll Jackson Browns 4 51 .323 9 SB
- Joe Jackson above
- Harry Heilmann above
- Wally Schang Red Sox 0 52 .306 15 SB
Their totals combined bring us to this
final tally:
- Babe Ruth
- George Sisler
- Bobby Veach
- Ty Cobb
- Joe Jackson
- Sam Rice
- Harry Heilmann
- George Burns
- Eddie Collins
- Baby Doll Jackson
Ruth, as I'm sure will be the case
throughout most of the twenties and early thirties, outpaced the
offense in the American League.
So, let's look at the pitching.
During this 'dead ball era', where
spitballs were allowed; where the emphasis was on moving runners
over, stealing bases and sacrifice hits were the name of the game;
where fielder's gloves were just starting to be more important, there
were a large amount of 'unearned runs scored and allowed. To that
end, just for comparison, I'm going to look at the difference between
ERA (Earned Run Average) and just plain old Runs Allowed.
Just as a refresher, earned runs are
normal runs scored during a game. Unearned runs are scored as the
result of errors, in a variety of ways that factor after errors are
calculated. The average is figured to determine how many runs per a
nine inning game are given up by the pitcher.
During this era, it was not uncommon
for pitchers to average around 2 earned runs per game, or an ERA of
So the top 5 in ERA in each league:
- Walter Johnson 1.49 Grover Cleveland Alexander 1.72
- Eddie Cicotte 1.82 Hippo Vaughn 1.79
- Carl Weilman 2.07 Dutch Ruether 1.82
- Carl Mays 2.10 Fred Toney 1.84
- Allan Sothorn 2.20 Babe Adams 1.98
And then the top 5 in Runs Allowed in
each league:
- Eddie Cicotte 2.260 Grover Alexander 1.95
- Walter Johnson 2.263 Babe Adams 2.26
- Carl Mays 3.08 Fred Toney 2.34
- Carl Weilman 3.10 Hippo Vaughn 2.44
- Stan Coveleski 3.12 Slim Sallee 2.49
As you can see, the disparity between
the leaders, and the difference in runs per game is stark. While the
dead-ball era is praised for its 'station to station' type play, it
is clear that bad defense also played a part in the games, and
probably some of the strategies as well.
But back to the rankings at hand...now we'll look at the pitchers. For these, I went back to using the ERA
as part of the formula, since that is what I use in all the formulas
across the eras. We'll look at the NL' s basic pitcher rankings
- Slim Sallee Cincinnati 21- 7 2.06
- Grover Alexander Cubs 16-11 1.72
- Jesse Barnes Giants 25- 9 2.40
- Hippo Vaughn Cincinnati 21-14 1.79
- Dutch Ruether Cincinnati 19- 6 1.82
- Fred Toney Giants 13- 6 1.84
- Babe Adams Pittsburgh 17-10 1.98
- Ray Fisher Cincinnati 15- 5 2.17
- Hod Eller Cincinnati 19- 9 2.39
- Wilbur Cooper Pittsburgh 19-13 2.67
If you note that the Cincinnati Reds
are very well represented on this list, which adds to my thinking
that they could have given the White Sox a run for their money in a
legitimate World Series.
Also in the National League, the
average rankings against their teams matched their basic rankings.
And, they also matched the overall rankings as well. So, when I
changed the ERA factor in the formula to the Runs Allowed, it
slightly alters those rankings. The same top ten pitchers, just in a
different order.
- Slim Sallee
- Grover Alexander
- Fred Toney
- Hippo Vaughn
- Dutch Ruether
- Babe Adams
- Jesse Barnes
- Ray Fisher
- Hod Eller
- Wilbur Cooper
Now, we'll look at the American League
basic ranking:
- Eddie Cicotte White Sox 29- 7 1.82
- Walter Johnson Washington 20-14 1.49
- Carl Weilman Browns 10- 6 2.07
- Stan Coveleski Cleveland 24-12 2.61
- Allan Sothorn Browns 20-12 2.20
- Lefty Williams White Sox 23-11 2.64
- Carl Mays Red Sox/Yankees 14-14 2.10
- Bob Shawkey Yankees 20-11 2.72
- Jim Bagby Cleveland 17-11 2.80
- Herb Pennock Red Sox 16- 8 2.71
That Walter Johnson averaged giving up
one and a half earned runs per game, and two and a quarter total runs
per game, and still lost fourteen games, it makes one wonder how good
he would have been for a better team.
As it was, he won 416 games in his
stellar career, setting many records along the way. He pitched 110
shutouts. His career ERA was 2.17, his career Runs Average comes
to 2.89. Yet he still lost 279 games. He is clearly one of the game's
All-Time greats, and is without a doubt, one of the top pitchers
(Personally, I believe we should be
handing out Walter Johnson Awards at season's end.)
Anyway, as with the National League,
the American League numbers are identical in performance against the
league, and the performance in overall rankings. As above, when I
change the formula to Runs Allowed, we have two additions to the
list. That ranking is as follows:
- Eddie Cicotte
- Walter Johnson
- Stan Coveleski
- Carl Weilman
- Lefty Williams
- Allan Sothoron
- Bob Shawkey
- Jim Bagby
- Urban Shocker Browns 13-11 2.69
- Hank Thormahlen Yankees 12- 8 2.62
So, were I to give a league award in
each league, to best player and best pitcher, I would have one winner
in the National League. There would be one award for each in the
American League,
The AL winners would be:
Eddie Cicotte
While the NL winner would be :
Slim Sallee
Where I to have to vote for one player
to be a 'Player of the Year', My vote would be for “the Babe”

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